Remembering Ron Seibert
Ron Seibert was a true motorcycle enthusiast and passionate adventurer who, along with his beloved partner Candice, traveled across the country on their Harleys, visiting various festivals. Among all the festivals they attended, Fête de Marquette was Ron’s favorite, cherished for its vibrant energy, music, and sense of community. Year after year, Ron and his partner Candace eagerly anticipated their return to McPike Park, where they felt at home among fellow enthusiasts and festival-goers.
After Ron’s passing, his partner chose to honor his memory by selling his cherished Harley and generously donating the proceeds to Fête de Marquette. This heartfelt contribution ensures that Ron’s spirit continues to be part of the festival he loved so dearly.
We are honored to introduce the Ron Seibert Motorcycle Corral at Fête de Marquette, dedicated in his memory. Located off the Few St. entrance into McPike Park, this special corral offers motorcycle parking for all festival-goers. As you enter the park, look for the signs designating the exact location of Ron’s corral, a lasting tribute to his life, passion, and unwavering support for Fête de Marquette.